Seaglassing & Wire Wrapping

sea glass in P.E.I.                                   

Category : Wire Wrapping

Just a Little Twist

Hello my friends Hello! I’m still here in the background, lately behind a pile of laundry and a sink full of dishes. We love our little Bed and Breakfast the B&B keeps us busy and sometimes we miss a few little things in life that we enjoy, like blogging and our anniversary — ooopps.

I have been working on a few new products in the gift shop that I’d like to share. They are just a little twist from my normal seaglass wirewrapping and I hope you like them. Most of our seaglass I’m imagining comes from shipwrecks that have happened over the last hundred or so years. I love finding old pottery plates that have washed ashore and image they have come to me off pirate ships or perhaps the Titanic.  My brother gave me moms set of old dishes when she passed away and I broke one of the side plates and just can’t throw it away. After a few test runs at a thrift store plate, I’m almost ready to cut a medallion from moms old plate. 

Here are medallions cut from a thrift store plate. 

After smoothing down the edges and attaching wire on the medallions 

I wire wrapped the medallion and set it

The plates are nice so I tried using Seaglass

I attached fairies that I ordered on Ebay

I used different coloured metals and they just blended together

I love this one, it reminds me of Point Pelee


I love fairies, don’t you?  

As soon as there is another wee break in our bed and breakfast I plan to make a few more with dragonflies as they are another favourite of mine.

Be sure to have a look on my Scrapandwrap Etsy for our Prince Edward Island Seaglass and Wire Wrapped wee little things.


xo, Cindy

Sea Glass Festival PEI

It was amazing to see everyone again this year, no I didn’t have a table or a booth and others try to encourage me every year to attend and plan to be in the PEI Seaglass festival. I don’t know what holds me back, “next year” yes I say that every year and I now have help with the table and I can go on line and book the Bed and Breakfast off line so we can make plans to be there the full weekend.

First I need to thank Matthew for getting up early and coming over to the B&B and making breakfast for everyone so early. He did a terrific job, did way more than I expected of him. He phoned me and said he had to get to work and I thanked him, he said he didn’t have time to clean up and so he was leaving all the dishes on the table and such. I told him we would do it when we got home. We were tired from the night before, wine, cards, line dancing you know the usual weekend getaway. Anyway, I wasn’t looking forward to 8 hour dirty dishes and all and when I walked into the kitchen and had a look everything was put away, dishes done, table cleaned off…it was amazing a big sigh of relief came over me. Now I’m wondering if it was Matthew who cleaned up (my son is a chef and doesn’t have to clean up his mess) or did our B&B guests do the clean up when he left for work. I’m almost afraid to ask. It has happened before, I’ve had to run to work and came home to find our guests cutting the grass.

The Sea Glass Festival, sorry I wander,

There was a guest speaker on Friday night named Richard LaMotte, he wrote the book called Pure Seaglass and he was there for a book signing. He was also there to be presented with unique finds so he could identify time and place. I had a small tupperware of finds and he went through each one with amazement. I showed off my pipe and he you could see his eyes getting bigger as he was describing this hand forged clay pipe.

“It is definitely from the 1700’s” he said. So I handed him my bottle I’d just found hours before on the beach at Souris.

He rolled it over and over, and said….”nice find, where did you find this again.” I told him it was just an early morning beachcombing on the Souris Beach and he started to explain the age by describing the seam welds.

“Do you see this seam? it runs along side but not all the way up to the top of the bottle it stops?” Yes, I replied. He continued with in the year 1890 this bottle was hand made, rolling it over he showed me how irregular the bottom was and how off centre the spout was placed on. Funny over breakfast this morning Blair had said some of the same words to me, I could almost hear his voice. Later I found out from Blair I’d fallen asleep at the seminar. Funny everyone thinks I had too much wine, if they only knew…. Oh well I’m sure glad to have friends that pay attention.

So hear is my bottle seam

I was also told that the bottle was made with manganese dioxide the year it was made and that is to clarify the glass and make it white because all glass is a light blue/green colour. Now when my bottle is left in the sun for so long the sun reacts with the manganese dioxide turning it purple.

Another early morning find is this amazing grey piece of seaglass

Well I’d better get breakfast started for my guests, it is back to the chopping block for me… the fun is over for another year.

Have a wonderful day, Cindy

SuMMers are 4 BeachcoMbers

beachcombing PEI

There is plenty to like about the 4 seasons however there is more to do in only one of them. Winter months on Prince Edward Island are filled with snow and the days are long and the most enjoyment that can be had is only if you wear a one piece triple lined gear, drink hot cidar or moonshine and ride a snowmobile on the open trails. In the Fall a person could beachcomb, but why would you? Knowing all the beaches have been picked through by tourists and Island Seaglunkers. Summers, ya really, are you ready for this! the summer is the worse time to beachcomb. Yup beachcombing and summer just don’t mix, it is almost as bad as trying to make a balloon shaker and putting the rice in the balloon after you have blown it up. Our only excuse is we are busy with the Island Made Gift Shop and so we are not able to get to the beach in the summer time, oh well.

Spring in PEI

Spring time, now we are talking. In the Spring the roads in PEI heading to the beaches are still all mucky and not well traveled or not at all. These are clay roads we are talking and you could get your car tires stuck in the mud, its like walking in a full field of fresh cow patties, only a foot deep. However that is the best time to go beachcombing around here. No one is on the beach, its all yours and; every once in awhile you can catch a glimpse of an ice burg floating. The wind mixes with the sand on the beach and cuts into your skin as it hits. The beach is laced with mermaids tears, a drop here and there. Seaglass galore, and just waiting for you walking and picking. Kelly Green Seaglass

I just love this picture

clear white seaglass

So look closely and search for seaglass

seaglass of PEI

Here are my latest pieces of joy

a brown rounded piece of seaglass with pearls
White seaglass often called White Milk Glass, often from cold cream jars

white milk glass from cold cream jars
A closer look of the milk glass

wire wrapped milk bottle seaglass
Brown thick rounded seaglass often from a Javex bottle

Javex bottom bottle seaglass
Yes, and I must not forget about Blue Willow Pottery

Blue Willow Pottery wire wrapped and put onto a chairn

I’m sort of scrapbooking today, filling an order for paper flower corsages that I sell on My shop is called ScrapandWrap and I’m trying to put a little more in my shop today. Trouble is I have two yuppie grand-baby girls with me today and all they want to do is have a tea party in Grandma’s Tea Room.

Well, tomorrow is yet another day. Be sure my friends to live life to the fullest today and share the love you have in your heart with someone less fortunate.
Seaglass Cindy

Seaglass Sensation

I’ve been away from my blog and my seaglass and thought I’d give you a brief update just to what has kept me away.

S = Surrounding myself with grandchildren who missed me while I was away.

E = Etsy “New” an Etsy Shop that I so enjoyed building and now I have to find to add to the few items I have  listed, so much fun.

A = Attending hospital visits with my son after his motorcycle accident.

G = Grandma’s Tea Room, getting the little last minute menu items perfected.

L = Looking at the long list of things I have to do yet.

A = Agriculture, yup, rotor-tilling my daughters new garden bed.

S = Sale, my first sale happened on Etsy only 2 days ago and is shipped. I have been making corsages and paper book roses.  Oh speaking of shipping, I need to order tea… back to the G= Grandma’s Tea Room. 

S = Shopping for Victoria’s Wedding Shower Gift this Saturday.  No it isn’t Seaglass, she isn’t a fan of.


Sneak Peek at the Necklace I made to go with my dress for Victoria’s Wedding 

It will match perfectly with my new shoes and dress.

Enjoy your days beachcombing, today won’t be one of those days unless I were to make a seaglass umbrella to hold over my head, lol.


Seaglass Cindy


Gunmetal Wire Wrap Sea Glass

Wow! I just realized how long it has been since I blogged last

I’ve been making a lot of progress building for the shop for this upcoming season.  I’m on the road, yes we are living out of our RV these days and have been since November 7th about. The work space is rather small and I’m feeling like I should have more than the 86% of the dash but then I really shouldn’t be so bossy after all I do need a driver to get me around.

Did I ever tell you how much I like the gunmetal wire?

IT is amazing, colour and results are amazing as well

This is a prototype I made this week

I added pearls, brown and white sea glass and a few beads

I like to mix wire and sea glass

I think the gunmetal wire looks amazing on the brown sea glass, don’t you?

The darker pearls really add to this piece. I am hoping to wear it to my daughter’s wedding this coming August, with a tan/coffee coloured dress

In Eastport Maine I found these bricks that have been washed by the waves and I like the look they have with the silver wire so I made a necklace and earrings to match, do you like them?  It is amazing what the sea gives back to you

Well our adventure is almost at an end. Our grand-son Logan is going to be here in 10 days and it is time we left Orlando and headed back North to see Jennifer and scrapbook an album of Logan.  I hope to return and show you a few scrapbooked pages before heading home to Prince Edward Island.

xoxo, Cindy


Making Jump Rings

We are having a bit of cool weather so I’m going to stick to in-door work today. Grandpa is outside working on a bench for the Grand-children. It’s to cold for me so I’ll stay inside and get some work done. I’ve been tinkering with one thing or another just making one piece of jewellery or another but never finishing off any one piece. 

First I’ll need to make a few jump rings to go with the piece I”m making. You can use anything you want for jump rings in fact as you see I scrambled out the back door to check on grandpa and borrowed a drill bit out of his drill box. The other larger size is a piece of  wooden dowel that belongs to the grand-children’s play doh set and is for rolling the dough.

With a closer look you can see that I tightly wire wrapped the wire around the drill bit and then pulled it off keeping the coil together. I then took my wire cutters and cut individual rings one after the other until I had a good number of them cut to finish my necklace.




I just need to say I got the piece done and it is a choker. Looks lovely as I did a viking knot stitch around a beautiful piece of light green sea glass then made my links and attached then with the jump rings I just finished.

Here are the links, I made large ones and smaller ones

Now I need to move on to other pieces that I’ve started and didn’t finish

I should pick one day out of the week and reserve that day for catching up. I love to create and when I get a new idea I go with it. That said I have many pieces that need some finishing touches.

Have a great day, Seaglass Cindy



Sea glass & Red

My home surrounds me with things I enjoy most.  That takes in things I like to: wear, eat, see, smell  and craft. That said you know where my posts are going, well most of them might be going to crafting at my Scrap N wrap blog where I talk about beachcombing, wirewrapping and scrapbooking. Then other posts will come from my Hats’n Hospitalitea blog where I talk about our tea room, tourism, family, fun times and places in Prince Edward Island. So I hope you enjoy the home party that Sandi has created.

HOME = Heart Of My Enviroment #1

Recently home from a two week beachcombing vacation and I have lots of goodies to share.  First and foremost I love red, be it a sweater on a chilly day, wine in a nice glass, a red sky at night, but most of all I love red seaglass. I know you can’t see my pouting but I found but a grain of red sea glass on this last trip to the beach. I know, I know better a grain than a crumb. 





However I needed red and so I took red wire and made a weave then pulled it through a drilled hole and made the weave smaller and unique. I had to include sea glass and found this lovely white piece that was a nice size chunk, added some red wire and swarovski crystals and vola, it’s a wrap ready for the gift shop.  I’ve got a blue piece in the making and that is what I’ll share next.

Do you have something you would like to share? You are welcome to share anything pertaining to your HOME such as 

Cooking and baking, recipes, antiquing, home decor, ceramics, crafts, crocheting/knitting, quilting/sewing, floral arranging, gardening, homemaking tips, hospitality, refinishing furniture, renos, tea time, tablescapes, thrifting etc…. Maybe there’s a new baby in the family or you have a new fur baby you would like to introduce us to. They are welcome too!  Anything and everything which makes your HOME more enjoyable to come HOME to, for your family, your friends, and yourself.

Enjoying life, and the colour red today, Cindy

Sea Foam Sea Glass

I knew it, I knew it… was going to be a good day today especially when I find something as nice as this seaglass. Yup, I was doing a happy dance on the beach when this little gem stared up at me. I bent down and snapped it up quick before the next wave swallowed this special piece of sea foam sea glass.

 Grandpa and I have locked up the gift shop and changed the message on the phone to say, ” sorry we missed your call but we’ve gone beachcombing.”

We must have walked about 6 kilometers on the beach today it was windy but a lovely day and no rain in the forecast. It started to get dark so we had to return to the RV and start supper and take the puppies out for another walk. When we plan to take a long walk we dont’ take the pups with us at this time of year as Mj has arthritis and Braxton well he just can’t take the cold weather. Our supper was put on hold when we found out at the last minute we had run out of water. We packed up and headed to the nearest watering hole to fill up the reservoir.
While I waited I wire wrapped this gem I found today. I hope you like it as much as I do.  Just wondering, do you get to the beach often?


Well I’m going to wrap it up there, it has been a day, Cindy

Time for a Wrap

Hi!  Welcome to Scrap and Wrap my favourite pastime when I can escape life’s realities and be in my Bliss either Scrapbooking or Wire Wrapping.  

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Today I’m going to be in the Island Made Gift Shop working on a new piece. It will probably have a piece of Cobalt Blue Sea Glass in it as this year I’m surprised by the number of people coming into the shop looking for Blue Sea Glass.   


Here are a few pieces of Cobalt Blue Sea Glass that I wire wrapped lately.  One of the sides of the Blue Sea Glass had a sharp edge on it so I softened it by making the loops of the wire wrap on the sharp side hiding it and smoothing it off.  Do you know how old blue sea glass is? Well depending upon where it came from either a Noxzema Jar, or Milk a Magnesia,  perhaps it was an old Vic’s Vapor Rub Jar, it all had to wash back and forth with the salt, water, rocks and sand to become rounded and smooth and most of it takes around 30 years for a good piece to become perfect.

Have you found any Blue Sea Glass lately? If so has it been larger than an eraser on the end of a pencil?  

If you have time for a wrap today we are offering classes during our regular business hours where you can stop by, pick a piece of sea glass from the treasure chest and I’ll teach you how to wire wrap your piece. If you have found that special piece you like, bring it along and wrap it as well.

See you soon,

Sea Glass Cindy


The Sea Glass Lady

Oh its true, I do, I love sea glass.  I love its colours, I love the hunt, I love the mystery of where it might have come from, I love journey it traveled to get to me, and I love transforming it into what it can be, I love working and wire wrapping it and I love that Sea Glass symbolizes me.

I also love to get mail, especially when it is addressed to

“The Sea Glass Lady”

So what is sea glass? Well it is broken pieces of glass that has been washed over time by mother nature up onto the shores. Don’t be fooled because not any old piece of broken glass can be given the title “sea glass.”  It has to be over 30 years old rolling back and forth with the waves over salt, sand, and stone tumbling in the ocean for years making it smooth on all sides, until it is a nugget size just right for Jewel-quality.

Textures will tell sometimes how old, or rare a piece of sea glass really is


I ask the same question each time I reach on the beach for the sea glass nugget while beachcombing; What was your history…Come on tell me your story.  Were you a bottle, a vase, a dish, or a jar that held penny candy in a 5 & dime?  Who’s your owner? How far did you travel? How old are you? Or how did you end up on my little Island, Prince Edward Island?  How did you get to the ocean in the first place?  

Cobalt blue sea glass identifies with a Noxzema jar, Milk of Magnesia, and Vick’s Vap-o-Rub bottles from early to mid 1900’s


Oh so many questions and often no answers but sometimes Sea Glass can be identified by the markings, its colour, and sometimes shape.  I’ll have to settle with not having the full complete story on each piece of sea glass and leave some of the mystery to continue the story.

Frosted white sea glass caged in silver wire wrapped for a pendent and ready for sale in

“The Island Made Gift Shop”

Sea Glass Bracelets $25 in the gift shop

Sea Glass Rings are $7.95 in the Gift Shop

The Island Made Gift Shop, 545 Malpeque Rd, (Route 2) Winsloe, PEI

 Thank you for stopping by my “Sea Glass Lady” blog post today. Remember if you are visiting Prince Edward Island make stopping by the Island Made Gift Shop (open hours) a thing to do while here on PEI. Guaranteed to be eye and purse pleasing as we have a lot of  Blissful sea glass jewelery, scrapbooking memorabilia all genuinely made in PEI and unique to Prince Edward Island. 

Sea Glass Cindy