Seaglassing & Wire Wrapping

sea glass in P.E.I.                                   

Category : The Beachcombers

SeaGlass Vacation Time

We are on the road in search of seaglass.

This time our travels are taking us to New Brunswick, where we hope to be able to share some locations as well as our favourite finds.

Before I go I want to give you something to remember me by,

See you soon,







How To Find SeaGlass

Even today I walk the beaches and find people coming up to me and asking if this is a good beach to find seaglass? Or they question how to look for it, or where. It seems to be a high security question for most and I have  never felt it deserved a high security answer.  Now, if you have happened onto this by accident and you’re not the novice beachcomber then you might find this just a wee bit overwhelming.  However, if on the other hand you are retired, a beginner or have time to spare, you might just want to stick around  and enjoy the hunt.

When searching for seaglass you want to be sure of a couple of things before you start to explore.

The first thing being a beach, but that was a given, I just liked this picture and needed to share. Be patient, all good seaglunkers I’ve  met have been extremely patient and retired of course.


Some of the necessities you might think to take along would be, a bottle of water, a bag to collect your seaglass, toilet paper just  in case, and a good pair of walking shoes.  Oh and a camera comes in handy because you will always find that amazing piece and someone will ask when you found it, then they will answer with “no way, you didn’t  at least you will have the picture to prove it.

Preferably dry shoes not wet like these


It  is  best you find out from me that you can find many things on the beach and sometimes they could be upsetting for some people so be warned.  Once I found a baby seal, and another time a large seal had been hit by a boat and ended up on the beach, I’ve seen sea  trout that kept being rolled ashore with the surf, a pelican that looked like  it hit into the edge of the cliff and  then there are the plastic items that should be considered waste.  Just remember the ocean is a playground to many and things happen.


Not everyone is in search of seaglass and I should mention that before I go any  further, because I have found people picking up shells, rocks and petrified wood, along with teeth, and bones.


When to search is a key factor but that is entirely up to the individual and up to the amount of balance they have in their life as well. If I had ideal conditions, I would definitely be out after a storm, on a full moon, and during a very low tide.

But others seem to prefer to walk the high tide line.


You can always identify the high tide line as it has the most amount of seaweed on it and will be at the same distance along  the shore line.

I more often then not prefer to be in a rocky area and the size of the stone is relative to the size of seaglass you will find as well.


I did mention I liked a low tide line, where the waves and I argue about how long I can keep my  shoes dry.


With each wave takes the top layer of beach sand away back into the ocean and uncovers some of the most beautiful finds.  Like this one, I’m going to try and be patient without stooping down and snatching it up before  the waves come back and either  totally uncover the seaglass or yet  cover it up or take it away to sea entirely, lets see what happens.

Here is just the top of the piece  uncovered.


Then  here it is again with the next  wave


I’m lucky it is  still sitting waiting for me, what about the next wave?  Will it uncover more?


I don’t want to take the chance and I stoop, and reach out and snatch it up before the wave comes in.

Ok, I have told you enough about seaglassing that you should be able to go off on a hunt and find some.  Lets take this next picture for example, try your luck at searching for the seaglass.  How  many pieces can you find?

                          Click on the picture for full screen and search for the seaglass


Now that you have found your first number of pieces of seaglass what will you do with them?  I know a number of people who just put  them in a jar and watch the each day to remind  them of the beach.  While  others bag the seaglass and sell it.  Then others are just out for the hunt and  they hand you seaglass when passing you on the beach. Then there are the repurpose  people like myself who like to take the seaglass and make jewellery from it.  Sure we have little hope and  great intentions of making a sale someday but we spend far too much time on the beach and far too little time advertising our product to make a sale.  I enjoy just setting it up in a gallery and listening to hear all the comments from others.  If you are  ever in Prince  Edward Island be sure to stop by the Gallery/ Studio  at 545 Malpeque Rd, Route 2, and take a peek.  If I’m not busy I’ll even show you how to wire  wrap a piece or two.


Happy hunting,

Sea Glass Festival Prince Edward Island

Each year I think about joining in and setting up a table at the SEa Glass Festival. This year the festival is July 26th, to July 28th in Souris at the lighthouse. I’m going to visit on Friday night, take the camper and stay up in Souris this time. I have an odd piece of seaglass that I’d like the guest speaker Richard LaMotte to identify. So why am I not in the festival each year? Hum, good question I think I’d love to be and then we get busy with the Bed and Breakfast, guests coming in the Tea Room and time passes and I
get to about 2 weeks away from the festival and say, oh its too late again this year.

I hope to see you at the sea glass festival this year, remember it is being held at the lighthouse not wood Island this year.

Seaglass Cindy

Sea Glass Pirates

We are still beachcombing for sea glass. Today as we sit at Panara Bread and use the internet I have to tell you that the Cheese Broccoli soup is slap your mamma good!   Headed to the Aquarium, The Pirates Museum, and Shipwreck Museum along with visiting one of the oldest grave sites around this area.  Arrr! these pirates are in search of SeaGlass

Maybe today we will be landlocked and we will have to look at old pictures of sea glass instead of searching.  Having a grand day.

Happy New Year, Cindy

Sea Glass Collected for Production

I love taking pictures of SEa Glass.

This collection is for my next production


seaglass cindy

SeaGlassing Old Clay Pipe

This has got to be my favourite find of the week. I have found clay pipe stems dated back to the 1800’s and looked up the story on them and was amazed to find out the history behind a clay pipe stem. Back in late 1700 and early 1800’s people used to smoke clay pipes, then break off the bit of the stem their mouths had touched, and pass the pipe onto the next person so he could use it. The broken-off bit would be tossed into the ocean and over time these clay stems wash ashore, rounded with the while still inside. The pipe stems are easy to find, the hand forged clay bowls break and are not so easily to find. Either way I was doing a happy dance on New Dorp Beach after I bent down and picked it up.

Speaking of New Dorp Beach did I happen to tell you that we ended up there after leaving Prince Edward Island? We found folks that needed help and seeing we had a little bit of time on our hands we felt the need to volunteer our time and hang our hat in camp; organizing the supply tents, caring for folks and doing what we do best in the cook tent. 








 The big deal of all this was the sea glass just behind where we set up camp on the waterfront and the amount of seaglass that had come ashore in the Hurricane with storm Sandy. We would venture out early morning and pick sea-glass, run over to the cook tent and get the coffee on then back to our RV and wash sea glass. I took those pieces of seaglass and wire wrapped them into pendents and gave them out to the locals and volunteers of Occupy Sandy. What a souvenir and a reward to give back to the community what the ocean gave up.

 Take care,
