Seaglassing & Wire Wrapping

sea glass in P.E.I.                                   

Archive for October, 2015

Down Sizing AGAIN!

Seems this is the time of year, when tourism slows down to a crawl that I get the feeling I need to take something off my list of too doo’s.  I mean after all I am getting older and besides having a 4 room guest house, I play hostess in Grandma’s Tea Room and lets not forget our wee little gift shop in the front of the house.

Well it used to be in the front of the house it now lives in the Tea Room.  It is a perfect location now, as we have downsized 1/2 of the product and wanted to downsize 1/2 of the tea room area as it is only the two of us looking after things we can now be in the same location.


gift shop in tea room


I forgot how heavy this glass counter was even with all the shelves and glass removed it still was a big job.  But we managed to get it into it’s new location and set up a wee bit in the event someone came in over the weekend.

cash counter


our open sign fit in the top right corner of the window with electricity below it was conveniently a good location.

open sign

With all this downsizing and organizing I can’t help but feel stress about having hoarding issues, big hobby hoarding issues. That almost sounds like a good title for another blog.

Take care, my friends,
