Seaglassing & Wire Wrapping

sea glass in P.E.I.                                   

Posts Tagged ‘brown bottle’

Seaglunker at work

Yesterday we had an amazing day of seaglunking (person who combs the beach in search of treasures left behind in the sea) the shores of Nova Scotia. I came onto a fabulous find when I found this thick rounded piece of brown bottle seaglass. This shouldn’t be ever referred to as beer bottle glass because it reaches deeper than a bottle of beer.  

brown bottle seaglass

This is brown bottle seaglass from a javex bottle. The purpose of the dark bottle was to hide the contents from light to prevent evaporation.  In 1913 the screw top was added and before that time it was a pop top. In  about 1940 the brown bottle of javex by the gallon sold for 18¢ in the general stores across the USA. Today after beachcombing this piece off one of the many beautiful shores of Nova Scotia this piece of seaglass wirewrapped will sell for $28. 


brown wirewrapped seaglass


I think brown thick seaglass could be one of my favourites. My next wrap will be a jewel from the Titanic in gunmetal wire. But for now I only have silver wire on the road with me. We are heading to Ontario to visit our folks for a few days then back to our little blue shack in the Maritimes before the middle of the month. 

Thank you for stopping by,  Seaglass Cindy