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It’s no secret I love sea glass and there are trails of it everywhere I go these days. Someone stopped by the Tea Room this week and I thought nothing of taking them on a little tour, I remember hearing from behind, “holy cow look at the sea glass.”

The weather here in PEI has been iffy, off and on rain has entered the days long enough to keep the ground wet enough you can’t play in the garden and longer to keep you from beachcombing.
Today I’d like to share with you a new card I made with elements of PEI. If you look close enough, you will find pieces of sea glass, Island stone and shells. I had a number of small pieces of driftwood to place on the cards but it was just too bulky.
These cards were fun to make and so I made 25 of them and put them into the Island Made gift shop for
On a recent visit to Ottawa I stopped by Multi Crafts in the East End and picked up plastic window boxes. These are squares about 2″ by 2″ and I also found plastic ovals. I plan to put our red PEI sand, small beach shells, hand picked sea glass and maybe a little kelp in behind the windows and make shaker box cards; that would be something. Once I get the first one done, I’ll be posting a picture of it for everyone to see.
Take care scrapbookers
~Scrapbook Cindy

Remember to shop and buy local and keep small business alive. Visit my scrapbooking neighbour Angela, in Charlottetown at “The Scrapbook Studio” 47B Beach Grove Road, Ellen’s Creek Plaza, Charlottetown, PE. C1E 1K5 Phone: 902.370.4990