Crazy Over Blue SeaGlass
September 16th 2013 Posted for Wire Wrapping
It never fails, I think I have wirewrapped enough seaglass for the Giftshop and all of a sudden it is the second week in July and people are asking for something I don’t got have. This time it is Cobalt Blue Seaglass, what is it with everyone going crazy over blue seaglass this year? I guess I just didn’t have enough pieces because early in the season they were all gone. I went digging in my reserves and started wirewrapping a few pieces, just to make a little headway. Good job I found a very nice piece before boarding the Ferry for Nova Scotia Saturday as I found a good wrap for it.
This is a piece of fire glass, still cobalt blue seaglass but you can see it was melted to one side.
These other pieces I have been storing away in my collection. They have a bit of a sharp edge to one side or the other and I took care when wirewrapping each piece to hid what the ocean forgot to smooth.
That’s it I’m out of cobalt blue. I’m either going to have to get back to beachcombing or start buying seaglass. I’m thinking I’d rather be at the beach, bye for now.
happy hunting,
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Oh, that’s just GORGEOUS!!! Happy beachcombing, Cindy! Hope you find lots of great treasures! 🙂
Thank you, really I’m searching the beach for Grace and peace. It is helping but I’m thinking I need more of it, lol